

Knolling "Handheld Photoshop"
(I cropped it but it keeps uploading like this)
Knolling "Island Magnets" (Shaped as Palm Tree)
Knolling "Outfit of the Day"
(I Cropped, Rotated, but it keeps uploading upside down)
Knolling "Tools of a Chef"
(I Cropped the Image and Rotated but it keeps uploading like this)
Photo Assignment 1
Thinking Spot
Wake Up, Get Up

Work Space

Take Your Makeup Off

Photo Assignment 2
We Wear Black

Assorted Fruits

Pets Make Life Livable

Family Burns Bright

Artist's Flame
A Collection of Eyes
Hey, Look, I Wasn't Completely Miserable For Once

1 comment:

  1. wow, you're definitely off to a GREAT start... keep it up
